Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Singapore Idol

Sultry temptress Tammy is shown here with boyfriend filmmaker Edward "Boogeyman". The couple have been celebrating their internet success with the so-called Tammy NYP video. Young women all over Asia are excited about Edgar and say they want him too! Some are desperately trying to contact him on Tammy Nyp websites and forums!
One girl says "I have bigger tits than Tammy! It should be ME in the picture!"
Another woman said she wished she could meet Edgar after seeing his "credentials."
Several moviemakers are said to be in search of Tammy, wishing to cast her in their projects. Edgar says he has other plans.
Rumour has it Edgar has already filmed a 90-minute porn flick with erotic video queen Tammy, and the "phone clips" were just small parts of a bigger package. Edgar says he may be moving to a nearby country to avoid any "legal tangles."
From the USA comes news the "Tammy NYP Video" was shown on TV's at a bar in New Orleans to happy Mardi Gras customers. They liked it so much they asked it to be played over and over again!