Friday, March 31, 2006

Tammy to Dawn Yang: "You'll never be like me!"

Looks like Dawn Yang's shame game is over! Her phoney "MySpace" site has been shut down! Yang told friends she couldn't stand the attention Tammy NYP was getting on the internet, and felt like she HAD to do SOMETHING!
Dawn, here's a message from Tammy:

Dawn, you cannot hope to compete with me. I have used my natural body to tempt, attarct and satisfy men and women all over the world. The only thing you have done is to have plastic surgery on your face so that you don't even look like a normal person. You look like Michael Jackson. As you get older, you will look more and more ridiculous. I am young and naturally beautiful, and not afraid to show everything I have. Think you are great? Then show us what YOU have.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh CRAP! Dawn Yang is BACK!

JEALOUS because Tammy NYP and Xiaxue have been getting too much attention (not to mention Kimberlycun's write-up in LIME) Dawn Yang has raised her ugly plastic-surgerized head and says she wants to be #1 again on Technorati. She's using an old trick to do it: setting up a PHONY BLOG and then claiming it's not hers! Yang has tried to say Xialanxue set up the blog. Yang said to a friend "I want to be everybody's INTERNET GIRL. I'm sick of these fucktard photoshopped girls. I am REAL BEAUTY." Think again, miss plastic! You cannot hold a candle to TAMMY! If you think you're so great, submit your handphone sex video now! Tammy, we love you and support you! You are a REAL GIRL!
"Frankly we were quite shocked! When the site first came to our attention, we were already speculating and had a strong feeling it was xialanxue." - Dawn Yang

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tammy starts sex-craze in Singapore!

Thanks to our gal Tammy NYP (who recently met with a couple of Asian porn stars), sex is more than alive and well in Singapore! Tammy was recently secretly treated for genital herpes, and ran for a reporter who confronted her outside an office building.

the sunday times - march 26

"having sex is no big deal, 20 teens tell Sunday times. Half do it before 16. most dont use protection - and none have told their parents about it. "

The rate of teenage AIDS cases in Spore has risen by a tremendous rate. I feel that it has been an underlying situation. It has only been realised when the sex video of tammy from NYP found its way onto the internet. And a survey by the AIds awareness group showed that out of 500 teens. 1 in four are sexually active. But youth counsellors fear that the ratio is rising. Many teens also practice unsafe sex giving reasons such as it is inconvienient to buy condoms or they find thrill in unsafe sex. I feel that action should be taken before there is an epidemic of AIDS in singapore teens. Parents should make sure that they educate their children about safe sex. It may not be possible to prevent teens from having sex, but perhaps it can be instilled in teenagers brains to practice SAFE SEX. they should be educated about the implications of pregnancy and AIDS.

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